
Out of Pocket Rates

Out-of-Network Insurance Compensation Process
Clients pay me out of pocket, submit claims to their insurance company, and receive checks in the mail for my services.

Below are the 3 steps of how to go about this process:

1. Call you insurance representative to find out if you have “out-of-network insurance coverage for outpatient mental health services” and if you do ask if there’s a deductible. You need to meet your deductible first before receiving compensation for my services but I can give you bills to submit to your insurance in order to meet your deductible. You also might want to ask what percentage is covered for my services after the deductible has been met.

2. Ask your rep if there’s a mental health claims form that you need to download from your insurance website and to show you where it is. If I need to sign the form please bring it in person to our sessions or if there’s a way to electronically sign it please email it to me. I will also email you an electronically signed insurance bill which you will mail your insurance company along with the mental health claims form. I only sign the insurance mental health claims form so if you have any questions about filling out the practitioner part please email me.

3. Please keep a record of all of the dates of our sessions and email them to me on a monthly basis along with your date of birth, the address that matches your insurance plan and your insurance ID. Once I receive your email I will then email you the signed claims form for you to submit to your insurance company along with any possible claims form that they provided you.

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